Asahimachi Wine Yamagata Muscat Bailey A Red

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Asahimachi Wine Yamagata Muscat Bailey A Red

编码 CODE : WG90173P
条形码 BARCODE : 4932823001031
包装规格 PACKAGING : 720ml X 12 支 Btls
酒精度 ALCOHOL : 11%
原产国 COUNTRY OF ORIGIN : 日本 Japan

[特点 Features]

使用在100%山形县朝日町葡萄生产协会的25名签约农户精心培育的和采收的麝香葡萄,使用“出血法"(saigne)将呈酒醪状态的葡萄酒液体流出并在低温下缓慢发酵后精心酿造而成。 Muscat Bailey A是日本酿酒葡萄之父的川上善兵卫培育的杂交品种。 2013年被国际葡萄与葡萄酒组织(OIV)注册为日本独有的品种,是世界公认的品种。此酒曾获得2016年日本葡萄酒大赛银奖和2017年日本葡萄酒大赛铜奖的殊荣。
Crafted from Muscat Bailey A grapes, a Japanese hybrid variety, this wine is meticulously made using the "saignée" method, where the juice is gently bled off the must before slow fermentation at low temperatures. These grapes are lovingly cultivated and harvested by 25 contracted farmers in the 100% Yamagata Prefecture Asahi Town Grape Production Association.

[色泽 Colour]

Adorned with a delicate rose hue, the wine's rim exhibits a subtle purple tinge, while its core reveals a vibrant ruby red, reminiscent of ripe red fruits.

[口感 Taste]

Invigorating acidity dances on the palate, harmonizing seamlessly with a gentle mouthfeel.

[嗅感 Smell]

A captivating bouquet of rose, cherry, berries, plum, blueberry, and a touch of black tea.

[服用方法 Instruction]

Pairs beautifully with soy sauce-braised dishes like pork belly simmer, sukiyaki, teriyaki mackerel, and grilled chicken skewers.