Cognac Frapin Fontpinot XO

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Cognac Frapin Fontpinot XO

编码 CODE : WW852002
条形码 BARCODE : 3305484401709
包装规格 PACKAGING : 700MLx12支
酒精度 ALCOHOL : 41%

[特点 Features]

Château Fontpinot XO 是干邑 Frapin 的珍品,装在时尚优雅的瓶中。古老的贮备XO拥有 Château 冠名,因为它采用特别葡萄制成、蒸馏、陈酿和装瓶的。 在酒糟上手工蒸馏,并在干燥的酒窖中长期陈酿,赋予它独特的特色。
Château Fontpinot XO is a treasure from the cognac brand Frapin, and it is presented in a stylish and elegant bottle. The ancient XO is named "Château" because it is made from specially selected grapes, distilled, aged, and bottled.During the production of Château Fontpinot XO, the wine lees are distilled using traditional methods, and it undergoes a long aging process in dry cellars, which gives it its unique characteristics.

[色泽 Colour]

A gorgeous autumnal golden-orange colour with warm highlights.

[口感 Taste]

口感平衡、丰富、复杂,带有干果和蜜饯的香气,收尾异常悠长。 在 Château Fontpinot XO 中加入一滴水,让香气呼吸并软化干邑的力量。
Château Fontpinot XO is characterized by a balanced, rich, and complex taste, with aromas of dried fruits and preserved fruits. It has an exceptionally long finish. Adding a drop of water to Château Fontpinot XO allows the aroma to breathe and softens the power of the Cognac.

[嗅感 Smell]

散发出微妙、复杂、精致、持久的香味,包括蜜饯(杏干、无花果干)、杏仁糖、榛子、牛轧糖,波特香,最后是著名的“rancio”特征。 Gives a subtle, complex, refined, long-lasting bouquet consisting of candied fruit aromas (dried apricot, dried fig), marzipan, hazelnut, nougat, then port notes and finally the famous “rancio” character

[服用方法 Instruction]

搭配巧克力甜点,散发出香草和木香的味道。 搭配黑巧克力马卡龙,或搭配三颗巧克力果仁慕斯,可满足最挑剔的美食家。 与 Mimolette、巴马干酪、羊奶奶酪或蓝纹奶酪相结合,它会以其悠长的芳香回味让您大吃一惊。
With a chocolate dessert, it reveals vanilla and woody flavours. With a dark chocolate macaroon, or accompanying a three-chocolate praline mousse, it will satisfy the most demanding of gourmets. Combined with Mimolette, Parmesan, ewe’s milk cheese or blue cheese, it will surprise you with its long aromatic finish.