Domaine Sauvete Antea 12.5%

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Domaine Sauvete Antea 12.5%

编码 CODE : WG90138P
条形码 BARCODE : 3760188050132
包装规格 PACKAGING : 750ml x 6 btls
酒精度 ALCOHOL : 12.5%
原产国 COUNTRY OF ORIGIN : 法国 France

[特点 Features]

这是一款由80%马尔贝克和20%品丽珠混酿而成的红葡萄酒,有机葡萄酒认证ECOCERT SAS F.32600。 风土: Toucheronde 的第一个海岸面向正南。土壤由富含各种鹅卵石(燧石、台阶、海绵等)的矽质土壤组成,确保环境迅速变暖。 收获:手动,装在小板条箱中,以保持葡萄在大桶中的完整性。 酿造:50%整串和碳酸浸渍+50%去梗收获和传统酿造。在受控温度下发酵持续6至12天。在大桶中陈化18个月。 得奖纪录:Millésime Bio 2022 挑战赛金牌
This red wine is a blend of 80% Malbec and 20% Cabernet Franc, certified organic by ECOCERT SAS F.32600. Terroir: Toucheronde's first hillside faces due south. The soil is composed of silica-rich soils rich in various pebbles (flint, steps, sponges, etc.), ensuring a rapid warm-up of the environment. Harvest: Manual, in small crates to preserve the integrity of the grapes in the vats. Vinification: 50% whole bunches and carbonic maceration + 50% destemmed and traditional vinification. Fermentation under controlled temperature for 6 to 12 days. Aged for 18 months in barrels. Awards: Gold Medal at the Millésime Bio 2022 Challenge

[色泽 Colour]

A deep ruby color.

[口感 Taste]

On the palate, it is surprising, very ripe with a great richness of aromas of red and black fruits. The tannins are very fine, leaving a long and pleasant finish.

[嗅感 Smell]

Intense and complex aromas, with notes of flowers (violets), fruits and licorice.

[服用方法 Instruction]

Best enjoyed between 15 and 17°C, it is ideal with red meat, duck, cured meats.