Domaine Sauvete Osmose 13.5%

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Domaine Sauvete Osmose 13.5%

编码 CODE : WG90141P
条形码 BARCODE : 3760188050422
包装规格 PACKAGING : 750ml x 6 btls
酒精度 ALCOHOL : 13.5%
原产国 COUNTRY OF ORIGIN : 法国 France

[特点 Features]

这是一款由100%马尔贝克葡萄酿制的干红葡萄酒,有机葡萄酒认证ECOCERT SAS F.32600。 风土:Toucheronde 的第一个海岸面向正南。富含各种鹅卵石(燧石、台阶、海绵等)的矽质土壤保证了环境的迅速变暖。 收获:手动选择和分类成熟度很高的葡萄。 酿造:将去梗的葡萄小心地放入500升的开口桶中。大桶发酵时间很长(5-6周),每天在发酵开始时打孔。苹果乳酸发酵在同一个桶中进行。接下来的12个月陈酿总是在同一个桶中进行。
This 100% Malbec wine is a certified organic product, bearing the ECOCERT SAS F.32600 label. Terroir: Toucheronde's first vineyard faces due south, with siliceous soils rich in various pebbles (flint, stairs, sponges, etc.) ensuring rapid warming of the environment. Harvest: Hand-selected and sorted grapes of very high ripeness. Vinification: Destemmed grapes are carefully placed in open 500-liter barrels. Fermentation in large barrels is long (5-6 weeks), with punching down daily at the start of fermentation. Malolactic fermentation takes place in the same barrel. The next 12 months of aging are all in the same barrel.

[色泽 Colour]

Deep purple in color with purple reflections.

[口感 Taste]

It expresses power and maturity through spicy aromas, fleshy and jammy black fruits in a perfect penetration, with hints of toast and roasting. The mouthfeel is generous, powerful, and lively. The flavors gradually settle down, finally forming a complete structure, with very concentrated and fine tannins.

[嗅感 Smell]

Rich and concentrated nose

[服用方法 Instruction]

在16°–18°之间饮用最佳,搭配法国名菜红酒烩鸡(coq au vin)、炖野味和浓奶酪尤佳。
Best served at 16°–18°C, it pairs perfectly with French classics like coq au vin, stewed game, and rich cheeses.