Domaine Sauvete Solaris 15%

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Domaine Sauvete Solaris 15%

编码 CODE : WG90139P
条形码 BARCODE : 3760188050149
包装规格 PACKAGING : 750ml x 6 btls
酒精度 ALCOHOL : 15%
原产国 COUNTRY OF ORIGIN : 法国 France

[特点 Features]

这是一种特殊的特酿,仅在“太阳年"(回归年)生产。它是100% 佳美酿成的红葡萄酒,有机葡萄酒 认证ECOCERT SAS F.32600。 风土:选定的地块,朝南,位于Toucheronde 的第一个海岸。土壤由富含各种鹅卵石(燧石、台阶、海绵等)的矽质土壤组成,确保环境迅速变暖。 收获: 手动,在小板条箱中,以保持葡萄在太阳年中的完整性和非常特殊的浓度。 酿造: 老式整串酒,没有压碎或去梗。未经发酵的自然发酵在受控温度下持续约十天。在大桶中陈化6个月。 得奖纪录:2021 年国际 Gamay 比赛金牌,Guide Hachette 2021 1星
This exceptional Gamay red wine is crafted only during the "sun year" and bears the ECOCERT SAS F.32600 organic certification. Carefully selected grapes from south-facing plots in Toucheronde's first coast are hand-harvested in small crates to preserve their integrity and unique concentration. Vinification follows traditional methods, with whole bunches fermented without crushing or destemming. Spontaneous fermentation occurs at controlled temperatures for about ten days, followed by aging in large barrels for 6 months.

[色泽 Colour]

A vibrant red hue

[嗅感 Smell]

An enticing nose, revealing aromas of candied red fruits and subtle toasted notes. Its harmonious and concentrated structure features a perfect balance between aromatic complexity and smooth tannins.

[服用方法 Instruction]

在14 至16°C 之间饮用最佳,极适合搭配精致的牛肉或鸭肉和樱桃。
Best served between 14 and 16°C, this wine pairs beautifully with refined beef or duck dishes accompanied by cherries.