Hai Di Lao Shrimp Soup Hot Pot Seasoning 200G 海底捞-上汤三鲜火锅底料 200G

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海底捞-上汤三鲜火锅底料 200G
Hai Di Lao Shrimp Soup Hot Pot Seasoning 200G

编码 CODE : FF000373
条形码 BARCODE : 9551002815143
包装规格 PACKAGING : 200g x 34 packs
原产国 COUNTRY OF ORIGIN : 中国 P. R. China

[特点 Features]

色泽纯正,口感鲜香浓郁 选用现代工艺萃取的结合肉类浓缩骨汤为汤底;可根据喜好搭配不同的特色味碟均可,配合芝麻酱更佳;推荐搭配涮食海鲜类及素食类食材。
Rich texture with delicious fresh flavor. Modern craft is adopted to extract meat bone and turn into concentrated soup. Different condiments can be matched according to own preference. It tastes better with sesame sauce. It is recommended for boiling seafoods and vegetables.

[成份 Ingredients]

Pickled cabbage ingredients, sauce ingredients, pickled chili ingredients, fish pickled seasoning ingredients

[服用方法 Instruction]

火锅煮法:锅中加入1000毫升饮用水(约2瓶矿泉水量),将本品倒入锅中,可依据个人的喜好加入适量葱段、姜片、鲜虾、香菇等食材;待水煮沸后加入各种菜品。烫熟后即可享用。搭配海底捞火锅蘸料食用,口味更佳。 上汤三鲜面:锅中倒入1000毫升清水烧开后,下入500克面条,用筷子划散后倒入海底捞上汤三鲜火锅底料;面条煮熟后将100克肉丝和小油菜1颗倒入锅中烫熟即可食用。
Hotpot cooking method: Add 1000ml of drinking water (about 2 bottles of mineral water) to the pot, pour the seasoning into the pot, add appropriate amount of green onion, ginger slices, fresh shrimp, shiitake mushrooms and other ingredients according to personal preference; wait for the water to boil & add various vege. Enjoy it with Haidilao hotpot dipping sauce for better taste. Shrimp noodle soup: Pour 1000ml of water into the pot and boil, add 500g of noodles, spread the noodle with chopsticks and pour the seasoning inside; after noodles are cooked, put 100g shredded pork, some vege into the pot and boil it before serving.

[储存方式 Storage]

Store in cool dry place. Keep refrigerated after opening the bag.

[注意事项 Precaution]

含有:大豆、虾和芝麻 如有胀包,请勿食用
Contains: Soybean, shrimp & sesame Do not consume if package is inflate.