Japan Koshihikari Rice 500g 日本越光米 500g

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日本越光米 500g
Japan Koshihikari Rice 500g

编码 CODE : FF000911
条形码 BARCODE : 9556750021938
包装规格 PACKAGING : 500g
原产国 COUNTRY OF ORIGIN : 马来西亚 Malaysia

[特点 Features]

原产于日本的水稻品种之一。 「越光」即意味着「越国之光」,代表对于培育出此种优秀稻米的自豪。越光米是具有黏性強、圆润饱满、光泽度高、口感风味佳等优点的食用米,因此常作为高级食米输出海外。
One of the most highly grown varieties of rice in Japan. “Koshihikari" means "the light of the Koshi", which represents the pride of cultivating such excellent rice. Koshihikari rice has sticky and chewy texture, good taste and flavor, so it is often exported overseas as high-quality rice.

[成份 Ingredients]

Koshihikari Rice

[储存方式 Storage]

Store in cool dry place. Keep refrigerated after opening the bag.