Mengzhilan (Dream Blue) M6 洋河蓝色经典 - 梦之蓝 M6

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洋河蓝色经典 - 梦之蓝 M6
Mengzhilan (Dream Blue) M6

编码 CODE : WP000302
条形码 BARCODE : 6932599240212
包装规格 PACKAGING : 500ml X 4支 btls
酒精度 ALCOHOL : 52%
原产国 COUNTRY OF ORIGIN : 中国 P.R. China

[特点 Features]

M6是从梦之蓝的生产区域酿制而成。 被称为超级巨星,在具有百年历史的酒窖中经过长达180天的发酵,并在地下酒窖中保存15年。
M6 is produced in the central area of Dream Blue production region. Known as the superstar of its kind, the liquor undergoes a fermentation period as long as 180 days in the century-old liquor pits, and is stored for 15 years in the underground cellar.

[品种 Varieties]

Soft aroma

[成份 Ingredients]

Water, Wheats, Corns, Rice, Sorghums, Glutinous Rice

[储存方式 Storage]

Keep in cool & dry places