Sakai Winery Mix and Mix Red

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Sakai Winery Mix and Mix Red

编码 CODE : WG90176P
条形码 BARCODE : 4582134581021
包装规格 PACKAGING : 720ml X 12 支 Btls
酒精度 ALCOHOL : 12%
原产国 COUNTRY OF ORIGIN : 日本 Japan

[特点 Features]

这是一款以古老的酿酒方式,将Muscat Bailey A,Black Queen和Cabernet Sauvignon等各种葡萄进行混酿的干红葡青酒,まぜこぜ(Mazekoze)的意思是混合(Mixing up)。这座号称东北最古老酒庄酒厂的酿酒师非常重视传统,他们创造了不使用老式过滤器的非过滤葡萄酒,堪称最古老的传统和最新的自然风格相结合。发酵方式包括搪瓷罐、不锈钢、橡木桶等不同容器媒介,酿造方法是待发酵好的不同品种和不同年份的葡萄酒原汁混合,让酒中的物质自然沉淀6个月后,将上层的葡萄酒取出再进行装瓶,是一种非常独特的非过滤葡萄酒,由于手工制作,年产量只有4000瓶。
Mazekoze: A Unique Unfiltered Red Wine This dry red wine is a blend of Muscat Bailey A, Black Queen, and Cabernet Sauvignon grapes, crafted using traditional methods. The winemakers at this long-standing winery in northeastern China honor tradition by creating an unfiltered wine that showcases the oldest techniques and the latest natural styles. Fermentation takes place in a variety of vessels, and the winemaking process involves blending the musts of different grape varieties and vintages. After 6 months of natural settling, the clear wine is racked off and bottled. This handcrafted wine is limited to 4,000 bottles per year.

[口感 Taste]

With a medium body, comfortable tannins, and soft acidity

[嗅感 Smell]

Mazekoze offers aromas of red fruits, flowers, and a hint of sweet candy. The round fruit flavors and refreshing acidity make it a versatile wine.

[服用方法 Instruction]

Perfect for enjoying on its own or paired with savory dishes, especially meat-based meals. Best served at 14°C.