[特点 Features]
清酒的独特性来自与采用100%纯度的“ Kuranohana清酒米” ,加上在严酷的低温下精心酿造。 清酒水泉来自于宫城县的天然泉水。
The uniqueness of this sake comes from the rice used and brewed — “Kuranohana sake rice”, where 100% of the sake rice is used. The owner of the brewery is one of the contributing members in the development of this sake rice. Junmai brewed carefully at low temperatures in the harsh cold. Miyagi natural spring water is used to produce this sake.
[口感 Taste]
这种中度饱满,光滑的清酒最适合在15摄氏度下品尝,最能体现其优雅的口感,细腻的质地和芬芳。 清酒具有奢华的风味和甜味,并带有清爽的余味。
With a mild aroma and a smooth mouth, it is characterized by a slight sweetness and mild umami. The refreshing acidity makes the aftertaste refreshing.