Takahata Classic Muscat Bailey A 13%

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Takahata Classic Muscat Bailey A 13%

编码 CODE : WG90185P
条形码 BARCODE : 4920205512213
包装规格 PACKAGING : 720ml X 12 支 Btls
酒精度 ALCOHOL : 13%
原产国 COUNTRY OF ORIGIN : 日本 Japan

[特点 Features]

采用100%山形県东置赐郡高畠町签约农户栽稗的MUSCAT BAILEY A和Merlot葡萄混合酿制,使用“出血法"(saigne)连皮一起发酵,在发酵初期将呈酒醪状态的葡萄酒液体流出,提高固体(果皮、果肉、种子等)的比例,使葡萄的精华更为浓缩,并在橡木桶中陈酿12个月,是一款获得高度评价的特酿。可谓在利用MUSCAT BAILEY A葡萄的华丽香气的同时,提取出浓郁的黑色水果风味和单宁,赋予其MERLOT骨架和更深的风味,成为了一种具有品质感的新风格酒!在2023年樱花葡萄酒奖比赛中获得金奖。
This exceptional cuvée harmoniously blends Muscat Bailey A and Merlot grapes, grown by dedicated farmers in Takahata Town, Japan. Employing the "saignée" technique, the winemakers extract the essence of the grapes, resulting in a concentrated blend that is then aged for 12 months in oak barrels. This wine masterfully showcases the vibrant aromas of Muscat Bailey A while unveiling bold black fruit flavors and tannins, reminiscent of Merlot. The result is a new style wine of exceptional quality, recognized with a Gold Medal at the 2023 Sakura Wine Awards.

[色泽 Colour]

Vivid reddish-purple hue

[口感 Taste]

This medium-bodied wine entices with a harmonious blend of honeyed aromas and subtle toasted notes. Moderate tannins give way to a smooth and velvety texture, while the palate awakens to a refreshing acidity reminiscent of red fruits, complemented by moderate tannins. The lingering finish presents a delightful dance of subtle oak notes and honeyed fruit aromas, creating an overall harmonious impression.

[嗅感 Smell]

Aromas of cherries, raspberries, and blackcurrants, with hints of toast and vanilla.

[服用方法 Instruction]

Harmonizes perfectly with rich Japanese cuisine, including Niku-jaga and stewed fish. For optimal enjoyment, serve chilled between 14-18°C.