Takahata Japanesque Baileys Blend 12.5%

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Takahata Japanesque Baileys Blend 12.5%

编码 CODE : WG90184P
条形码 BARCODE : 4920205511667
包装规格 PACKAGING : 720ml X 12 支 Btls
酒精度 ALCOHOL : 12.5%
原产国 COUNTRY OF ORIGIN : 日本 Japan

[特点 Features]

高畠酒庄成立于1990年,位于北纬30-50度和南纬20-40度之间的“葡萄酒带”,是日本最好的葡萄产区之一,但高畠町的葡萄种植历史悠久,可追溯到明治时代初期。作为山形县当地的葡萄酒,这是一款由三种日本原产的葡萄品种酿制而成的干红葡萄酒,它是为了创造一种无法用欧洲葡萄酒品种表现出来的葡萄酒而创造的。主要采57%的Muscat Bailey A,24%的Bailey Alicant A和19%的Black Queen,这三个品种均由被誉为日本酿酒葡萄之父的川上善兵卫先生杂交育成。三种葡萄混合后在橡木桶中陈酿12个月。曾获日本葡萄酒大赛2019国产改良品种红组银奖和日本葡萄酒大赛2018国产改良品种红组铜奖。标签两端的红色葡萄剪影,表达了“日本式”,其灵感来自于日本漆器。
Nestled in Japan's premier wine region, Takatake Winery proudly presents a dry red wine crafted from three unique Japanese grape varieties. Born from the desire to create a wine that transcends European grape expressions, this blend harmonizes 57% Muscat Bailey A, 24% Bailey Alicant A, and 19% Black Queen, all hybridized by the revered "Father of Japanese Wine Grapes," Mr. Zenbei Kawakami. Aged for 12 months in oak barrels, this wine has earned prestigious awards, including the Silver Prize in the Japanese Wine Competition 2019 Domestic Hybrid Red Category and the Bronze Prize in the Japanese Wine Competition 2018 Domestic Hybrid Red Category. The label's silhouette of red grapes, inspired by Japanese lacquerware, embodies the "Japanese style" of this exceptional wine.

[口感 Taste]

This wine offers a delightful balance of flavors, with a medium body, smooth tannins, a touch of sweetness, refreshing acidity, and intense fruit notes. Enjoy the depth and richness extracted using carefully selected yeasts.

[嗅感 Smell]

Muscat Bailey A 的浓郁果味、Bailey Alicant A 的深紫色泽,让人联想到成熟葡萄、覆盆子的李子香气和橡木桶香以及未成熟草莓的酸度,可谓端庄的日式口味中,弥漫着浓郁红色水果的华丽香气。
Muscat Bailey A's rich fruitiness and Bailey Alicant A's deep purple hue create a symphony of flavors and aromas. Imagine the fragrance of ripe grapes, plum-like blackberries, and oak, intertwined with the tanginess of unripe strawberries. This wine embodies the elegance of Japanese flavors, infused with the vibrant essence of red fruits.

[服用方法 Instruction]

Best served at 16-18°C, this wine pairs beautifully with both sweet and savory dishes, such as pan-seared lamb chops, herb-roasted chicken, braised pork belly, and duck hotpot. A refreshing salad of fresh mozzarella with blueberry dressing is also a delightful pairing.