Vistamar Brisa Moscato

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Vistamar Brisa Moscato

编码 CODE : WG90119P
条形码 BARCODE : 7804449004307
包装规格 PACKAGING : 750ml x 6 支btls
酒精度 ALCOHOL : 13 %
原产国 COUNTRY OF ORIGIN : 智利 Chile

[特点 Features]

“ Brisa” 的意思是 “微风” ,是对沿海风和安第斯风带来的新鲜感的致敬。 微风,深吸一口气,品尝年轻而充满活力的葡萄酒。
The word “Brisa” means “breeze” and it is a tribute to the freshness provided by the coastal and the Andean winds. Breeze, take a deep breath, enjoy a young and vibrant wine.

[品种 Varieties]


[色泽 Colour]

Golden yellow

[口感 Taste]

Its great acidity, which persists very pleasantly on the palate, balances out its enveloping sweetness.

[嗅感 Smell]

Supple, with notes of white flowers and a citric touch that fosters its freshness.

[服用方法 Instruction]

饮用温度为 8 至 10 °C。非常适合作为开胃酒饮用,并可搭配奶酪和白肉(脂肪含量较低)。
Serving temperature between 8 to 10  °C. Ideal to drink as an peritif and enjoy with cheeses and white meats (contain less fat).